Ce regard romantique sur la ruine va s'étendre au moyen-âge, notamment dans l'Europe du Nord où les peuples, parmi lesquels se développe un sentiment national, se cherchent un passé prestigieux.
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Aux cabinets de curiosité réalisés par les antiquaires vont succéder des collections réunies avec un souci de rigueur historique. Le mot "archéologie" apparaît sous la plume des voyageurs qui rapportent de
leurs voyages en Orient des images et des objets qui vont alimenter les premiers musées.
La ruine muséifiée
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Les premières fouilles archéologiques officielles sont celles de Pompéi (1709), qui vont également attirer des artistes ou savants effectuant leur "Grand Tour", pratique d'où est née le "tourisme".
XXe siècle : évolution vers la notion de "patrimoine"
Bartning was a Modernist German architect, architectural theorist and teacher. In his early career he developed plans with Walther Gropius for the establishment of the Bauhaus. He was a member of Der Ring. In 1951 he was elected president of the Federation of the German Architects
Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer, Sommerfeld House, Berlin, entrance, 1920-1922
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Monument to the March dead
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Chicago Tribune
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Deutscher Werkbund
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1932 concours Reichsbank
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Gropius House
Gropius House
Gropius House
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Gropius House
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gropius house 3
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Gropius House
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Gropius House
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Dammerstock plan masse
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KARLSRUHE, DAMMERSTOCK EN 1929 - Projet d'ensemble Walter CROPIUS
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Damerstock 1
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Damerstock 3
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Damerstock 3
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Damerstock 4
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Damerstock 5
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Damerstock 6
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Dammerstock Siedlung, Karlsruhe
Dammerstock Siedlung, Karlsruhe
Otto HAESLER (1880-1962)
1929 O. Haesler Dammerstock
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Rathenow - Siedlung Ebert Ring
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Georgsgarten, Celle 1925 (built 1926-27)
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Hugo HÄRING (1882-1958)
He is often grouped with Bruno Taut, Ernst May and Walter Gropius as being among the most significant representatives of the Modernist ("Neues Bauen") architecture that became important initially during the Weimar period, notably in respect of residential accommodation.
Gut Garkau farm, Germany, 1923-1926
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Hugo Häring 2
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Hugo Häring 1
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Hugo Häring was an architect and architectural writer best known for his writings on "organic architecture", and as a figure in architectural debates about functionalism in the 1920s and 1930s, though he had an important role as an expressionist architect.
HILBERSEIMER Ludwig (1885-1967)
1924 Ville verticale
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1924 Ville verticale 2
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1928 Friedrichstadt projet
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1930ca Ville verticale persp
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HÖGER Johann Friedrich (1877-1949)
Architect and urban planner, best known for his ties to the Bauhaus and to Mies van der Rohe, as well as for his work in urban planning at Armour (now Illinois) Institute of Technology in Chicago.
Deutschland - Wie es baut
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1922 Chilehaus vue sur l'angle
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1922 Chilehaus vue gén
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His best-known work is the Chilehaus in Hamburg, constructed between 1922-24 for saltpeter importer Henry B. (Chile) Sloman. The office block features a curving facade reminiscent of a ship's hull, coming together at a sharp angle on the corners of Pumpen and Niedernstrasse
LUCKHARDT Hans and Wassili
LUCKHARDT Hans and Wassili
1920 LUCKHARDT W. Crystal
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1929 Alexanderplatz projet pers
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19289 with Alfons Anker, Villa Kluge, Berlin
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1929 Luckhardt Rupenhorn_Berlin
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1929 Hans - Wassili Luckhard, Villa Kluge, Berlin, Germany