Ce regard romantique sur la ruine va s'étendre au moyen-âge, notamment dans l'Europe du Nord où les peuples, parmi lesquels se développe un sentiment national, se cherchent un passé prestigieux.

Aux cabinets de curiosité réalisés par les antiquaires vont succéder des collections réunies avec un souci de rigueur historique. Le mot "archéologie" apparaît sous la plume des voyageurs qui rapportent de
leurs voyages en Orient des images et des objets qui vont alimenter les premiers musées.
La ruine muséifiée

Les premières fouilles archéologiques officielles sont celles de Pompéi (1709), qui vont également attirer des artistes ou savants effectuant leur "Grand Tour", pratique d'où est née le "tourisme".
XXe siècle : évolution vers la notion de "patrimoine"
Date of Birth : 26 october 1956 in Strasbourg (France)
Doğum tarihi : 26 Ekim 1956, Strasbourg (Fransa)
French and Turkish Citizen
Fransız ve Türk vatandaşı
Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg, 1979
2012 Guest professor at Faculty of Architecture, Erciyes University, Kayseri
2010 Curator of the exhibition held in Izmir and Kusadasi “Claros. The column, sacrifice and the Oracle”
2009 Curator of the exhibition held in Izmir and Strasbourg “Le Corbusier in Turkey”
2008-11 Teaching Architecture at the Yasar University, Bornova, Izmir.
2008-09 Scientific Adviser for the “Foça-Marseilles Archaeonautical Project”
2007-2011 Responsible for the Antoine Galland Documentation and Research Center in Izmir
Curator of the “Izmir/Smyrna. Portrait of a City through French collections” exhibition.
2006-2015 Member of the Turkish Claros archaeological excavation Team
2003–2008 Member of the Izmir Roman Agora archaeological excavation Team
2002–2006 Resident at the French Institute for Anatolian Studies in Istanbul (IFEA)
2002 Medal of Archeology from the French Architectural Academy.
1997–2005 Director of the French Archaeological Team in Letoon (Turkey)
1988-2002 Member of the CNRS (UMR CNRS 694) Laboratory specialized in Virtual Architecture.
1988–1990 Responsible for Heritage Conservation at the CAUE
(Council for Architecture, Urbanism and Environment) of Bas-Rhin (Strasbourg)
1990-2005 Responsible for “Architecture and Archaeology” Post-Graduated Educational Course (Strasbourg - Paris)
1984-2015 Teaching at the Strasbourg National High School for Architecture, France
1980-1985 Working on various projects with Ph. Weiss, Ph. Fraisse, P. Weber, etc.
1982 “La Villa hors les Murs” scholarship; work at the Agrest & Gandelsonas Office in New-York
1979-2015 Member of the French Archaeological School Team working in Delphi (Greece)
1978, 1980 Member of the Meydancıkkale Archaeological Team, Gülnar (Turkey)
Around fifty articles about History of Architecture and Archaeological Preservation in various scientific publications
Numerous conferences about Architecture in museums, Universities and Institutions in France, Turkey and other countries