Ce regard romantique sur la ruine va s'étendre au moyen-âge, notamment dans l'Europe du Nord où les peuples, parmi lesquels se développe un sentiment national, se cherchent un passé prestigieux.

Aux cabinets de curiosité réalisés par les antiquaires vont succéder des collections réunies avec un souci de rigueur historique. Le mot "archéologie" apparaît sous la plume des voyageurs qui rapportent de
leurs voyages en Orient des images et des objets qui vont alimenter les premiers musées.
La ruine muséifiée

Les premières fouilles archéologiques officielles sont celles de Pompéi (1709), qui vont également attirer des artistes ou savants effectuant leur "Grand Tour", pratique d'où est née le "tourisme".
XXe siècle : évolution vers la notion de "patrimoine"
History of Architecture
TURKEY 20th Century : 1.Ottoman period (1900-1922)

Ahmet Kemaleddin, widely known as Mimar Kemaleddin, was a renowned Turkish architect of the very late period of the Ottoman architecture and the early years of the newly established Republic. He was among the pioneers of the First Turkish National Architectural Movement.

(old photograph)


Raimondo Tommaso D'ARONCO
He was invited in 1893 to Istanbul to prepare designs for the Istanbul Exhibition of Agriculture and Industry to be held in 1896. But the great earthquake of 10 July 1894 devastated the city. He was first charged with restoring damaged monuments in the old city, and went on to design scores of buildings for the government and individuals.



Italian Embassy, sketch

Italian Embassy
TURKEY 20th Century :
2. The Republic of Ataturk (1923-1938)

Seyfi Arkan
Seyfi Arkan was a Turkish architect, the personal architect of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He was born in 1903 in Istanbul. He was first in his class under Vedat Tek in 1928, and later worked with Hans Poelzig in Germany. In 1935 he designed the Florya Atatürk Marine Mansion, a Bauhaus-style former residence of Atatürk and now a museum.
Florya Atatürk Marine Mansion

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934

Seyfi Arkan, 1934
İller Bankası binası (Bank of the Regions), Ankara
Arkitekt periodical

Clement Holtzmeister

Bruno Taut

Foreign Architects in Turkey

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

1933 Şevki Balmumcu, 1948 Paul Bonatz

Robert Mallet-Stevens

Ernst A. Egli, 1932-33